Most Impressive 2D Logo Animated Videos Ever Produced – Part 1/2

most impressive 2d logo animations
This Sunday we would like to show you another set of beautifully impressive logo animated video openers. But this time these are flat – these are 2d animated motion graphics. Nevertheless this set of 2d logo animations will get your attention that’s for sure. We hope you will enjoy watching them as we did in our quest of finding those magnificent mix of colors and movement. Enjoy.

1. Ozone

Beautiful 2d animated movement of the spinning shapes forming spiral looking final Ozone logo. Simple but powerful two colors combination is a win-win.

Credits Mohammed Alhiwy

2. Red Cat Motion

Cartoon stylized logo 2d animated video opener with well executed animal animation through whole sequence. There are some beautiful 2d lines moving around the subject adding to the dynamics of the video. At the end final logo is formed and cat head is animated as well.

Credits Daniel Cordero

3. Flip Flop Interactive Logo 2D Animation

This 2d logo animation was built around mixture of elements from IT industry. Beautiful morphing from element to element keeps viewers attention steady. Simple shapes are used but still animation elements are well recognizable.

Credits Fredrik Kasperi

4. Animaskin Oslo 2D Logo Animation

Dynamic fluid and cell shading 2d logo animated intro. Beautiful colors and atmosphere. Music and sound effects are the top notch. This 2d logo animation looks like a snake forming final shape of the company logo design.

Credits Mohammed Alhiwy

5. M Pixels 2D Animation Logo Video

In this logo 2d animated video we can notice classic motion graphics shapes building M shape – main and dominant part of the logo design. Also text under the M symbol is nicely animated and looks lively. Beautifully executed colors of this logo design just adding to the final touch.

Credits Mpixels

6. BUCK Logo 2D Animated Video

Happy and positive logo 2d animated work here. Nicely animated shapes moving around building final logo title. Using circles in a logo design is a good idea most of time since circular shapes are easy to digest in the viewers eyes. Background colors are dynamic and following the animation flow. Music and happy and funny. Perfectly done!

Credits Sander van Dijk


Simple but elegant color scheme – black and white. Logo is also simple in the Serif font style but characters are nicely and very detailedly animated. Great mixture of dozen of dynamic and different logo animations.

Credits Thomas Charier

8. FGreat 2D Logo Animation

This logo 2d animated video is of different kind. It because it is animated from last to first logo character. Awesome shapes movements in combination with nicely chosen sound effects are what makes this logo animation beautiful. Animated on a classic gray studio looking background is always smart choice.

Credits BlinkmyBrain”

9. MD Logo 2D Animated Video

Sharp and fast – electrically empowered logo 2d animated opener. Looks powerful and energetic. 3 vertical lines cutting the logo out. At the end light sweeping above the shapes. Sound effects are well chosen to follow the logo build up sequence.

Credits Mike DiLuigi

10. TR Logo 2D Animation

Nice jazzy music followed up by a dynamic and bouncy shapes forming 2d logo as they move in. Again circular shapes are used to open this logo video in a smooth revolving animation. Finally TR symbols coming in at the very end of this logo 2d animation.

Credits Rafael Araújo

11. Laura Garcia 2D Logo Animated Opener

This logo animation starts with the lines and simple shapes revolving around center while dynamically following the happy music. Sound effects are subtle but effective. At the mid part of the video logo outlines starts to build up then small orange dot casts shadow around the logo shape exploding at the and and finalizing the animation.

Credits Yuga Huang

12. MAUI.EE Logo 2D Animated Video

And for a last logo 2d animated opener of this set we where keeping maybe best of the greatest. Fully animated cartoon 2d character surfing on the waves around the scene. Finally disassembling to the animated shapes that building the logo text. Well edited music and sound effects are just last things that making this logo 2d animation well deserved 10/10 score.

Credits Tolm

This is just first part of two parts series of most impressive 2d logo animated videos showcase. We hope you enjoyed watching this hand picked curated list of the greatest 2d logo animations found on the Internet.

If you need 2d logo animated video for your brand, company or a YouTube channel we are right choice for you. Please feel free to check out our logo animated video portfolio page and contact us afterwards. We will be happy to work with you.

Djordje Komljenovic

Author Bio

Djordje Komljenovic is a professional 3d animation and motion graphics designer for over past 20 years. He is owner and creative director at Quince Creative agency. Previously, he was working-force of a few of major television stations in here Serbia - hired as motion graphics producer.

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