Hey! Its Sunday, which means its a day for another freebie! This Sunday we giving away a 100 USD bill video background and Adobe After Effects + Element 3D project template for free.
In this video background we animated four rows of 100 USD banknotes moving slowly from left to the right side of the scene. Once video reaches the end the animation is looped to the beginning of the video so it seamlessly loops for 20 seconds.
This is only 5 seconds gif preview but at 20 seconds which is full project length animation seamlessly loops.
This 100 USD bill AE + E3D project is in full 3D and that means that you can edit it however you want. You can edit camera animation, banknotes position, randomness, animation length and so on.
We used 100 USD as a banknote but you can easily replace it by replacing the texture of the bills with any other you want. Just replace the layer in the “Bill Texture” Composition.
Again, the Element 3D AE plugin by Videocopilot did the great job handling many of the 100 USD bill 3D model instances. This project is rendered on the Macbook Pro mid-2014 without any problems at high sampling rendering settings.
This time we separated the downloadable files so you can download the video background on it’s own and use it straight out of the box. Beside that you can download the 100 USD bill After Effects + Element 3D project and edit it however you like.
Included files in this freebie:
– 100 USD bill video background 20 seconds seamlessly loopable mp4 file at 24fps
– After Effects + Element 3D project template so you can edit it however you want
To open and edit this project you need to have latest After Effects CC2017 as well as Element 3D version 2.2.2
Download Our 100 USD Bill Free Video Background Here:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.