Not so long ago, Facebook allowed uploading of videos as Facebook cover video, instead of static cover photo. As technology advances, internet speed is faster and faster every day and video formats are smaller, loading much faster but keeping the same quality by a using latest video compression technologies like mp4 etc…
Facebook page cover video is a great way to emphasize your company logo design and brand visibility…
So What Is The Facebook Page Cover Video?
Facebook page cover video is a new addition to the current static cover photo feature. Great advantage of the Facebook page cover video is that you can upload almost any kind of video format as long as its minimum length is 20 seconds but no more than 90 seconds and it is in 16:9 aspect ratio format with minimal resolution of 820×320 pixels.
For optimal experience Facebook page cover video minimal resolution should be at least 820×456 pixels. Facebook page cover video will loop indefinitely but you can turn that off when your upload is completed, before pressing the publish button.
Why Would You Need Facebook Page Cover Video?
Facebook page cover video is a great way to emphasize your company logo design and brand visibility or advertise your product video presentation. These days, when digital marketing is the main tool of trade, you want to use every aspect available to showcase your product or service.
What If I Don’t Have A Video For Facebook Cover?
No worries. Since we do a lot of logo animated videos lately, we are receiving requests regularly from our clients, asking us to prepare their logo animated video for Facebook page cover. Since most of our logo animations are under 20 seconds long, we have to take care about their length and loop them at least two or three times to achieve the minimal length requirement.
Beside that, most of time our logo animation projects are already optimized for the Facebook cover page video, since Facebook accepts all kinds of mp4 format without any hassle. The only thing our clients have to take care of is to position the cover video once it is uploaded so it is centered on the cover photo layout.
Facebook page cover video loads automatically once Facebook page is fully loaded, and it plays automatically.
Nice way for brand visibility or to visually present your product or a service…
What About Facebook Cover Video On Mobile Devices – Is It Supported?
Only downside at the moment, which we are aware of, is that videos are not automatically played on mobile devices and, instead, one frame is taken from the video as the poster for the cover photo.
Also, sound of the video is muted when the video is initially played, but you can toggle that any time by clicking on the speaker icon (found at the bottom-right side of the cover).
The Facebook Page cover video is still in beta phase so it may not be available to one hundred percents of the Facebook pages. You can easily check that if you have the camcorder icon in the top left side corner of the Facebook page cover photo layout.
How Can I Get Facebook Page Cover Video?
If you want to showcase your brand in a nice way, or to visually present your product or a service, we are the right choice for you. Our production services include logo 3D animated videos, product 3D animations and all kinds of animated videos for your business or service.
Once animated video is completed and ready to use, you can use it not only as a Facebook page cover video, but for any other kind of a social media video platform like Youtube, Vimeo, Twitter, Instagram videos…
Facebook Page Cover Video Examples
Here are some examples of how Facebook page cover video works, and how to easily replace it/ This is how it looks on one of our client’s Facebook pages.
This is how the logo animation video looks as a Facebook page cover video
Feel free to check out our logo 3D animation production showcase page where you can find our latest work, product 3D animation video page or alternatively, you may contact us immediately and request a free quote via our contact us page.